Sunday, September 15, 2019 (Court Day #308)
67th day out playing lefty. Tennis elbow. (With some righty.)
Last night, my wife’s mom, Bonnie—known as “Grammy” by my kids—said she’d like to come see pickleball. When I asked my son Nicholas, he said it’d be good for him to get out. I told them we should leave the house by 8:15. My insoles have been slipping in my Costco athletic shoes—I didn’t glue this last pair—but I bought a separate pair of insoles. I installed those last night. Fingers crossed.
Pickleball Time
My elbow was feeling almost normal. I was thinking of playing right-handed, but after I woke up and I tried to raise the fingers on my right hand under my pillow palm down—essentially trying to raise the pillow—that hurt a bit. Not totally healed yet.
This morning, Nicholas opted to sleep in, but Bonnie was up. Once she put on her shoes, we were ready. She followed me in her car so that she could leave when she wished. Bonnie lived in San Diego since the mid-70s up until my wife’s dad (and Bonnie’s husband) Ron passed away. (He’s been mentioned in this blog before.) A few months after he died, the family home was sold and Bonnie moved up to Northern California to be closer to her two daughters. She’s been down visiting us the past few days.
We go to the courts a little before 8:30. It was overcast, but it’d burn off to be a beautiful day. Bonnie and I started off with dinking. A woman appeared who had never played at Derby before but had played at Willowbrook in Aptos. I forget her name, it’s something not super common. Janet appeared and offered to blow off the courts, I took her up on it so that I could continue with Bonnie. Bonnie had played tennis some decades ago. Bonnie is 75, but she’s a very fit 75, she still goes jogging. She did pretty well, that hand-eye coordination was solid.
After another 5-10 minutes, I went to assist setting up nets and getting things ready. I left Bonnie with a group to continue hitting a ball around. I came back and she was sitting on the bench. There was the newbie woman warming up on a court with Janet, Adrian, and a man. I encouraged Bonnie to play, but she was hesitant. I called to Adrian, “Hey, Adrian, come play with me over here!” And he did, making space for Bonnie. I later found out that Bonnie ended up playing a couple games with them.
Bonnie left mid-morning, maybe around 10, I don’t know, but she liked it enough to consider doing it again according to my wife.
Ted (red) and Patty on the far side of the near court, playing against George (nearest) and Grita.
I played probably half a dozen games left-handed. Grita and I played a game against Ted and Art and lost 11-0. (Ted and Art signed up in red—goes to show the “advanced” category is a bit flexible at Derby!) I made a surprising of mistakes, and Grita made more than her normal share. Sometimes this just happens. A weird collapse.
As I sat on the bench between games, I pondered my elbow. It’s been getting better. I have that appointment with Chris Yoder’s “witch doctor” in 11 days. What if my elbow is healed and I don’t need the appointment? Should I cancel?
Playing with the Big Boys
Beth and David Black were signed up in a box in red along with Cal. They had no fourth. I asked Beth, “Can I sign up with you in your box?” Noncommittally, she replied, “It’s up to you. Do what you’d like.” This is one of those nebulous answers. Now, Beth is super nice. But after I lost 11-0 with Grita, I was a bit hesitant to subject any partner to that again. I debated for a minute. There weren’t too many on the courts who were better players than me, even with me playing left-handed. I made a decision. I’d join that box. And I’d play right-handed to put this somewhat recovered elbow to the test. Crazy, right?
So Cal and I played a game against David and Beth. It was great game. Cal must have told me “nice serve!” at least 3-4 times in this game before he got tired of saying it. Serving right-handed is a completely different story for me. I was serving low and fast and deep. A few serves with spin. (Though one attempt at a spin serve sailed a few feet wide of the service court! Rusty.) On one point, David attempted to lob me. I jumped up backward and slammed the ball into his chest. Woops. “Sorry, David!” A touch embarrassed and courteous, smiling, he replied, “I deserved that!” Cal and I won 11-9. He and I made about the same number of errors. I made very few errors and Cal made very few errors. Walking off, Cal exclaimed, “Andrew is back!” I replied, “We’ll see…ask me after tonight!”
I went on to play right-handed the rest of the session. It was great.
Art and I played against Tristan and Cal. Lost 11-6. Good game though. A handful of points into the game after I’d won a rally at the net against him, Tristan said, “Can you switch back to your left hand?” Funny!
It was 1:40 by the time I left. I asked Janet to lock up after her game was done. Cal was doing yet another class but that didn’t involve us.
As I watched the Oakland Raiders give up a 10-0 lead on their way to a 28-10 loss, I iced my right elbow. About six hours later, I did it again. My elbow hurts when I straighten my arm. As always, time will tell.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 (No Play)
No pickleball today. I had to conduct an interview for work. (It went well, we hired him!)
My right elbow was hurting by Sunday night and still continues to hurt now, several days later. It’s less in the forearm and more at the elbow bone.
Monday night, one of my upper teeth was hurting while eating. No big deal, often things like that just go away. Tuesday morning, it was the same or even worse. Mid-afternoon Tuesday, I called the dentist. They saw me right away. An X-ray later, abscess tooth. Drat. They sent me for antibiotics then to endodontist. A CT scan later, it might be a crack in the tooth and might need “extraction”—yeah, pulled out. They called this afternoon and I have a Friday 7:45 appointment to make the determination and treat appropriately—fix or send me off to the oral surgeon for yanking the tooth out. *sigh* I doubt I’ll be playing pickleball Friday morning. And tomorrow night is in doubt since I have a board meeting at 6 p.m. The universe is conspiring against me!
Saturday, September 21, 2019 (No Play)
My 7:45 a.m. DDS appointment yesterday got bumped to 10 a.m. They drilled through my crown, drained the infection, added medication and temporarily closed it up. She gave me a prescription for strong pain meds, but I doubt I’ll fill the prescription. The last thing I want to be is loopy. I’ll get by with over-the-counter painkillers. It’s hard enough remembering to take the foul-tasting penicillin pills four times a day.
My elbow bone is a still a bit sore, but it’s not bad. As of tomorrow morning, it will have been a full week between playing. Too much work to play.
Number of days on a court: 308
Number of total hours: 856.5
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