Tuesday, November 23, 2021 (Court Day #437)
It was busy, but not overly busy, when I got to Skypark shortly after 6:30. Two temporary nets were up, making six courts. Two dual-striped courts were dormant. Winter doldrums, perhaps. Or maybe just because it’s a holiday week. We’ll see if it picks back up before spring.

I got into all good games tonight. There were none where I felt I needed to take it easy on my opponents. That’s nice for change!
Matt, the guy I met at Derby Park a couple of weeks ago, was there. I almost didn’t recognize him with no cap and no sunglasses. I had to ask him to confirm that he was Matt! It was him. I’d never seen him in Scotts Valley before. He brought his wife this time, but I didn’t play a game with her.
I rotated through games with Matt, Clayton, Eric (Ann’s boyfriend), and Nate, whom I met tonight. Very good games. (Tim, Larry, Dan, and Mike B. were there all there, but I didn’t find myself in a game with any of them tonight.)
Nate is a younger fellow, 30-ish, sporting a unruly reddish beard. I was told Nate is new, but he’s the best newish player I’ve seen. He could drive, but had a decent soft game too. He’s serves were very good—I’d expect most players to be very happy to serve like that; his serves were fast and low. He had some rough spots in his game, but, boy, if I didn’t know better, I’d say he’d been playing for a couple of years.
I had at least two, if not three, shots where I swung to hit a ball and completely wiffed. I have a much harder time judging ball distance under lights, and I know it’s not just me. It’s funny when it happens.
It’s a Wrap
By 8:30, only a few players were left. I didn’t want to just hang out and bust myself into a game with the “younger guy clan” with Josh and Paul and those guys.
My tennis elbow is doing ok, but I could feel it a bit. I iced both the inside and outside of my elbow when I got home.
I felt I played ok tonight, I certainly wasn’t depressed afterward—that’s always a good telltale!
Number of days on a court: 437
Number of total hours: 2,144.5
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