Sunday, July 31, 2022 (Court Day #526)

I arrived at Derby Park about 8:45 a.m., and there were two courts with two people warming up or drilling.

This entry will be short and sweet.

Today was a lesson in positioning. Matt Smith took full advantage with 2-3 passing shots where I was too close to the middle and he simply drove the ball down the sideline out of my reach for a winner. There were other shots where I was too far to the left from my partner to my right and a ball was driven from in front of my partner between us for a winner.

I’m usually pretty good about covering the middle. But leaving the right sideline open is a chronic issue for me to fix.

We finished up at 1:10 p.m.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates, of Microsoft fame, posted a short video on Instagram saying had started playing pickleball 50 years ago and now ”it’s all the rage.” He said his family plays the game and are surprised if someone beats them.

The link the Instagram video is here:


And a telling comic…

Number of days on a court: 526
Number of total hours: 2,416

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