Or should I say, “0-0-2”?

Pickleball Journey (a.k.a. PickleballJourney.com) began in 2017 with one purpose: sharing experiences and information with you and other pickleball players on their own journey.

Two of the best compliments I’ve received for this site: “I started reading and four and a half hours later, I looked up and realized what time had passed!”, plus gushing praise from a full-time professional writer. (I was also once complimented by Lucasfilm for my writing, but that was “a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” and is a story for another time!)

You’ll find two things here. My blog and articles. These links can also always be found in the site menu.

The blog is my journey from “Day 1”, which provides continuing insight into my growth as a player plus the development of the sport itself since 2017 when still no one had heard of pickleball. You can also read about me meeting Ben Johns and Kyle Yates when they were the #1 doubles team in the world, my games in Italy and Spain, battles with tennis elbow and various injuries, game video analysis, new friendships, tournaments—all kinds of stuff! If you get hooked, subscribe for notices of new blog entries.

Of the articles, the flagship is “Pickleball Terminology” and is frequently updated.

You can learn more about me at any time by clicking Me in the menu, or heck, read the blog!

Again, welcome, and I hope you stay a while!

Andrew Lenz
USA Pickleball Ambassador*
PPR Certified Coach*
Site Coordinator, Santa Cruz Pickleball Club*

*The views expressed on this site are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Santa Cruz Pickleball Club nor USA Pickleball nor the PPR.