Sunday, February 5, 2017 (Court Day #2)

I couldn’t wait to get back on the court for my second day of pickleball. The Santa Cruz Pickleball Club arranges a number of venues to play throughout the week, but some of us work for a living! And some of us who run family businesses, get to work six days a week! (Though I’m trying to cut back on that.) So, Sunday a week later on February 5 it would have to be.

As it turns out, my invitee John wasn’t going to be there. But that was ok, I’d met a number of friendly people the previous week on my first visit, including one man, Bruce, whom I’d known for years through work. Bruce is a basketball fanatic—playing and coaching for years—but his wife Janet wanted something that they could play together as they got older. Enter, pickleball!


When I arrived at the courts a little after 9 a.m., Bruce wasn’t there, but his wife Janet was around. We played a game or two, if I recall correctly, one as teammates, another on the opposite sides of the net.

This was a colder day, topping out in the mid-50s, overcast with expected showers in the evening. There was no waiting for courts today, except at near the end of the morning.

As I played that day, I got more comfortable with the peculiar scoring and awareness of where the kitchen was. I’d be lying if there weren’t points that went the way of the wind due to my foot faults. Not all that many, but they certainly existed, unfortunately!

I played for a near-solid three hours. I believe I sat out just for a total of 10 minutes all morning waiting for a court. I was beat. I could feel the fatigue in my legs. Pickleball had worn me out! I was getting even more exercise than I had original bargained for, which is great!