Sunday, July 28, 2019 (Court Day #286)
46th day out playing lefty. Tennis elbow.
I arrived at Derby about 8:50. New guy Bill was already there, as was Chris. It was a quick start today, we had three games going just a few minutes after opening time. Nonetheless, it was a quieter day, topping out at about 35 people. The annual Wharf to Wharf race was today and some players participate in that in some fashion.
Janet was celebrating her birthday week by bringing donuts to share with everyone, Binh and I both had two each. I should have had none, but it is what it is—they were good!
Bryan, Mark G.’s friend from San Jose, visited Derby today. Binh said Bryan was down surfing—a new thing for Bryan, Binh said—then stopped afterward to play pickleball with us. Bryan is a 5.0 player and can make us look silly with little effort.
When Bryan would make an great sharp “angle it off the court” winning shot, I would bust up laughing. He does it so well, it just makes us look incompetent! He’d ask, “Why are you laughing?” “It’s just so amazing!”
I have to say, Tristan is really coming along. It’s amazing to be young. He’s just absorbing and adjusting so fast. There are holes in his game, but he’s quick and is already managing to add spin to shots. Binh and I played against him and Ted B. and lost both games—though in the second, Binh and I had lead for nearly the entire game but lost 12-10.
Bryan told me, “You are doing really well with that left hand.” Bryan played a couple games left handed himself. I can say that with my nearly eight months of practice, I’m better than Bryan when we both play left-handed. But both right-handed, he’d wipe the court with me—I know from past experience!
It was just after 1 p.m. when I left. I was thinking I might get one more game, but too many people had to leave.
Graphics/Club Signage
Karen Long sent out a draft for a SCPC sign to be posted at the courts. It had come to Leslie, Eric, and me. I had about 15-20 minutes to kill before my wife and I left the house, so I popped into Adobe InDesign and redesigned it and then sent it back for input.
Number of days on a court: 286
Number of total hours: 789.5
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