Sunday, July 12, 2020 (Court Day #357)

Truth be told, I probably shouldn’t be playing on my right knee. At least, if I were to be playing it safe. With the courts busy and people playing early, I figured I’d go before the typical 9 a.m. start time. And I got there at 8:39. Four women were in a game and Chris was there putting on his court shoes. We warmed up for a while until Stuart and some others appeared. As it was, several of us rotated in and out of the court: Chris (who left early to sail with his grandson), Stuart, Rob, Tristan, Alan K., and Steve—a visitor from San Francisco who is considering moving to either our area or Bend, Oregon.

It was oddly quiet today. We didn’t have enough people to fill all the courts! At least one was consistently empty—except maybe when a couple came and played by themselves until the woman injured something, then hobbled off with the man helping her walk—“I heard something ‘pop’”. Not good.

Steve mentioned how he liked playing singles, so I told him I’d play with him. Kind of dumb given my knee, but we were just sitting on the wall waiting and this was an opportunity to play. I was tentative moving—a must for singles—and me playing left-handed was no match for his experience, movement, and relative accuracy so I got slaughtered. We played two games to five and I lost both, at least with the second, it was 5-3.

I convinced Steve to play one last game. He played with Rob and me with Stuart. We lost. It was funny, afterward, Steve asked, “Is is always like that? He popped it up then blamed you for the lost point.” Playing with a lefty, especially one who is sometimes awkward as a lefty, can be frustrating. In some games, I do a lot of apologizing!

A few minutes before noon and we were done.

Number of days on a court: 357
Number of total hours: 1,008.5

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