Tuesday, September 28, 2021 (Court Day #414)

I had to work a bit later. When I arrived at the courts 7 p.m., thing were hopping. I hadn’t seen that many players at Skypark in quite a while! Though the heavy crowd thinned considerably by 8 p.m.

Boatload of players!

I played at least half my games tonight lefthanded to give my tennis elbow a break. But later, I had some stronger players to play against and opted to play righty.


One thing that was notable was I ended one game on three unreturnable serves. Serve, into net. Serve, into net. Serve, into net. Game over. John (a relatively new addition to the scene) commented to his partner about my serves during a different game, “His serves are tricky.”


I’m starting to realize that—strategy-wise— my game has relapsed some during my nearly two years of left-handed play. I’m doing too much driving at opponents at the net and not enough dropping. It’s sloppy. I need to get back to a smarter game.

Play wrapped up and we all left at 9:30.

My right knee was aching a bit. Nothing major, but it was making itself known.

Number of days on a court: 414
Number of total hours: 2,078

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